Welcome to Mengham Infant School
Mengham Infant School is a two form entry maintained school set in extensive grounds which include two playgrounds, a pond/nature area, a forest trail, and a trim trail.
We have places for 60 children in each of our three year groups. Our Reception Year group is taught within one unit, with teachers and key workers taking responsibility for the education and welfare of all children. We work in close partnership with all island pre-schools and junior schools to enable a smooth transition for children throughout their school journey.
On behalf of our school community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family and thank you for showing an interest in our school.
At Mengham Infant School we believe that a strong partnership between parents, carers, and school can only lead to the best possible outcomes for children. We, therefore, work hard to provide opportunities for parents to be involved with their child’s learning through activities such as our half termly family learning sessions, home school liaison diaries, and the use of online learning tools to promote a continued dialogue between school and home.
We have high expectations for ourselves and for our children and strive to provide our learners with an environment and experiences which support all areas of a child’s development in a safe, positive, and nurturing manner.
We are part of a strong island community and our well planned provision incorporates opportunities for the children to develop their personal and social skills alongside the taught curriculum. This encourages our children to play their part in becoming responsible and respectful citizens, with a deeper understanding of the area in which they live.
This website has been designed to give you a flavour of our ethos and our values, alongside important curriculum information and insights into our classrooms. Please take some time to have a browse and get to know us by clicking on the links and exploring the information provided.
Choosing where to educate your child is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make and in order to get the best view of our school I would always recommend that you see it for yourselves. Our school office team are always happy to support with visits or questions.
We look forward to welcoming you and your children into our school family.
Lindsay Burnett
Our School Day
We hope that parents will support us by ensuring children arrive punctual for the school day, in school uniform and with everything they need for their time in school.
Doors open at 8:40am (close at 8:55am)
School finishes at 3:10pm