
Our school monitors all children’s attendance and punctuality closely. Regular reviews are held between the Attendance Lead and the Senior Leadership Team to look at attendance across the school and to ensure families are aware of where attendance is impacting on their child’s education.

Attendance Contact Flowchart

Day one of absence before 9 am – Parent must have informed school via phonecall or email that their child will be absent and why.

If the school has not been informed then the school office will contact the parent to find out where the child is initially via text but then by phone call if no response is received.  For Safeguarding reasons, if we have not heard from a family by 12 pm on the day of absence we will phone their emergency contact or carry out a home visit.

Day three of absence – The school office will ensure that someone has spoken to parents at home, regardless if they have been texting in. This is for safeguarding reasons.  The school needs to enquire whether medical advice has been sought at this stage as after 3 days of illness a Dr would normally have been consulted.

Day Five of absence – The school office will inform the child’s teacher of the need to phone home to check in with parents, discuss what has been missed, and anything that can be done to support the child catching up on return to school. If the absence looks to be longer-term, a plan will be put in place around managing the absence effectively. 

Where there are cases of ongoing Persistent Absence, the school will endeavour to work with parents to try to resolve any underlying issues in order to improve outcomes for the children. We have attached the link to our process for Persistent Absence.