We end every week with our Celebration Assembly which is an opportunity to share all the amazing things that have been happening in our school community over the course of the week. Our Celebration Board reflects our Assembly celebration.
In our assembly;
- Our Birthday Bench children get their birthday stickers and we all sing happy birthday.
- Any child who has demonstrated school values and received a Values Silver Book Ticket is read out and receives a clap.
- Each class nominates an eco warrior who has been particularly helpful around our aims to reuse, reduce and recycle.
- We celebrate children’s reading achievements against our school bookmark scheme.
- We celebrate attendance with our special Mengham sparkle, with all classes aiming to have at least 97% attendance over the week.
- Finally we visit our Star of the Week bench to meet the children that each class has nominated as their Star of the Week. These children bring home the class mascot for a week and will share a special “Star of the Week Lunch” with Mrs Burnett on the sparkly table the following week.
This week our Stars of the week were;
Penguins | Max |
Puffins | Mustafa |
Sharks | Eliza |
Stingrays | Archie |
Squids | Ellie |
Turtles | BTaylor |
This week’s attendance: